AP World Study Sessions!

In anticipation of the AP World History exam, Mr. Bettis and I will be running a series of study sessions every Monday up until the exam.  The study sessions will be after school– the location changes a little depending on what facilities are available, so I’ll let you know tomorrow where we’ll be meeting– from 3:30 until 5:45 PM.

Tomorrow’s study session will address material from Periods Three (600-1450 CE) and Four (1450-1750 CE), and we’ll work on some historical thinking skills, as well.

Final Review Project: Curating the Museum of AP World History

Nope, we’re not done yet, guys!  Remember, you’ve got some big stuff coming up this week:

  • Bonus Film Review (Monday, May 16th)
  • Final Exam (Tuesday, May 17th)
  • Final Narrative Paper (Wednesday, May 18th)

… so hopefully you’re using your time wisely this weekend.  Additionally, we’ll be working in class every day next week (except Tuesday when we take our final) so that you can have time to create your museum exhibits.  If you were absent, please download the instructions below and read over the PowerPoint– your groups are included in the PPT.

Remember to bring in materials to work with, if you think you’ll need art supplies!  You’re welcome to store things in my room while we work.

Suggestions for Tomorrow’s CCOT Essay

Don’t forget that you’ll have a CCOT essay tomorrow in class.  If I were you, I would consider the following:

1. Unit Four.
2. Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and one other place I’m not giving away.
3. Trade.

Also, the word “interregional” is interesting, isn’t it?  I wonder what it means.

Bonus Film Opportunity!

Are your essay grades less than desirable?  Do you need to do some grade repair?

Then you need to complete the Real to Reel: Movies in World History assignment by Friday, April 22nd!

As we discussed in class, remember that this assignment is NOT a simple bonus assignment– your work needs to be thoughtful, reasoned, and polished, and address all of the requirements described in the assignment sheet above.  Poor quality work will be graded as such.  This is, however, an optional assignment– you are not required to complete this review, and if you choose not to submit one, you will simply be given an exemption.  Be aware that some of the selections below contain adult material, and that you should make your selections with the approval of your parent or guardian.

In order to help you make your selections for this assignment, I humbly present the original trailers to all most of the films:

The Young Victoria (2009), dir. Jean-Marc Vallee

Jodhaa Akbar (2008), dir. Ashutosh Gowariker

Last of the Mohicans (1992), dir. Micheal Mann

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003), dir. Peter Weir

Seven Samurai (1954), dir. Akira Kurosawa

Amistad (1997), dir. Steven Speilberg

 Have fun!

Unit Four Test tomorrow!

You know the drill by now, guys: you should expect 70 multiple questions with several reading passages, charts, graphs, and images to analyze.  (You’ll definitely want to watch your time on this one.)  You’ll then also have to choose ONE short answer question to answer; it will be drawn from the guiding questions on your study guide.

Also: please remember that your Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest is also due tomorrow, so you will need to finish that up and be ready to turn it in tomorrow.  This is a project grade, so you will DEFINITELY want to have it completed.

***IMPORTANT: If you will be missing the test tomorrow due to Large Group Performances with band or due to a SkillsUSA competition, you will need to fill out the following form to let me know which day you will be taking the test.  Because there will be more people absent than normal, I’m requesting that you schedule your make-up test in advance.  These are the ONLY days I will allow you to make up your test.***


Please remember that your absence MUST be excused in order to be allowed to make up your test (or any other assignment.)

Homework: Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

Tonight, you will read a selection from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, detailing his experiences with the trans-Atlantic slave system.  Please respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper:

In the full narrative of Olaudah Equiano’s experiences with slavery, he describes his personal background and the cultural from which he was taken as a slave.  While the portion of the narrative you have does not directly provide information about Equiano’s background, it does, however, suggest certain things about his culture.  What assumptions might you make about Equiano’s background, based on what he writes in this passage?  (Are there any guesses as to his cultural practices, social norms, taboos, or beliefs which you would feel comfortable making based on what you’ve read?

Consider when and why Equiano wrote his narrative.  To whom does he think he is writing?  Do you think that might have had an effect on WHAT he chose to write?  If so, why?

Please try to provide specific textual references as you answer the above discussion points!

Homework: The Pristine Myth

Your homework tonight is to read, annotate, and comment on the article I handed out in class today– an interview from The Atlantic involving the author of 1491, Charles Mann.  Use what you have read to answer the following discussion points:

  • One of Mann’s central points in his book 1491 is that there is evidence that the population of the Americas prior to European contact was much, much higher than previous studies suggested.  Why does Mann say that this is a contentious issue among historians and environmentalists?

  • What is the “pristine myth” Mann and the author of this article, Katie Bacon, are referring to in the title?  Why might it disturb or upset some people to think of native American peoples radically altering their environment?

  • In what way does Mann think Amerindians were a “keystone species?”  What does he mean by that?

  • Do the Americas Mann describes– one filled with people who radically altered their environment by regularly burning the prairie, managing woodlands, and possibly even planting the Amazon– match with your existing ideas of native peoples prior to contact with Afro-Eurasia?  Why or why not?

Remember, normal commenting rules apply: one good comment which adequately addresses all of the above points can earn up to 95%, while a comment AND a reply to a colleague can earn up to 100%.  Also, I’ll be working at the Magnet Open House this evening, and will therefore not be on my phone every moment– so if you post a comment and don’t immediately see it, don’t panic.  I probably just haven’t had a moment to read and approve it.


Homework: Work on Ren & Ref WebQuest!

Hello, lovely AP World students!  If you were absent today, I strongly recommend that you go ahead and try to get a start on what we began today in class– our WebQuest over the Renaissance, Reformation, and Counter-Reformation.  You can either follow the previous link, or you can hover over the drop-down menu labeled “WebQuests and Projects” at the top of this page and select the Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest Task Page.  Make sure to download the packet of questions at the top of the page, and then proceed through each task, following the directions carefully for each assignment.

We’ll be continuing our work on this project tomorrow, but if you come in tomorrow with a significant amount of your work already completed, you might have time to work on your Source Scavenger Hunt in class, and I could potentially help you find more reliable material.

And– since I forgot it post it on Friday– here’s the Power Point we were looking at regarding the rise of the imperial Russian state: Rise of Russia.

Remember, we’ll be meeting in the classroom tomorrow, NOT the media center– but you’ll still need your headphones for tomorrow’s work!

Homework: Tokugawa Edicts!

Tonight, please read the two selections from the Tokugawa Edicts located below:

You will note that there are four questions following each of the passages; please fully answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.  They will be due at the start of class tomorrow.


Additionally, please be aware that you’ve got several things coming due relatively shortly:

  • In-class DBQ (Friday, March 11th)
  • Source Scavenger Hunt (Thursday, March 24th)
  • Black Death DBQ Rewrite (Thursday, March 24th)
  • Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest (Friday, March 18th)
  • Unit Four Test (Friday, March 18th)
  • In-class DBQ (Friday, March 25th)

For your Black Death DBQ rewrite, you will want to use the Black Death DBQ documents.  Remember that you should take the comments you received on your first DBQ to heart, and try to avoid making the same mistakes a second time.

Classwork: Information Gathering on the Safavid Empire

Using your textbooks and the PowerPoint located below, please gather information for a PERSIA analysis on the Safavid empire.  You should try to include AT LEAST five significant pieces of information, events, or processes for each element of a PERSIA analysis (Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic), as this information gathering exercise will be extent of notes you will receive on this topic.



  • Essential Coursebook, pgs. 311 to 315
  • World Civilizations, pgs. 466 to 473
  • The World’s History, pgs. 451 to 453

If you need additional help completing this assignment, please feel free to ask for help!

Homework: Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest!

Today we began working on the Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest.  If you were absent today you’ll need to start here: Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest: Tasks.  Download the Renaissance and Reformation WebQuest Student Packet, print it out, and use to it work through the WebQuest in order.

We’ll  be back in the Media Center tomorrow, so remember to bring back your headphones or earbuds!

So, guys– you don’t have official-official homework today, but the more work you can get done tonight, the more free time you’ll have in class to work on finding your sources for you final paper.

Homework: AP Insight Work and Practice Assessment

For homework tonight, you’ll need to complete the AP Insight work we began today on private economic institutions in the 16th and 17th centuries.  As this is proprietary material, I cannot link you to extra copies of the worksheets if you have lost them– so for your sake, I hope you haven’t.  You may also want to rewatch the Crash Course we saw in class today:

Here’s what you’ll need to turn in tomorrow:

  1. Definitions of the terms charter company, joint-stock corporationand transnational business.
  2. Text analysis of the charter of the Dutch West India Company from 1621.  You should identify ways the charter supports the idea of the Dutch West India Company as a charter company, a joint-stock corporation, and a transnational business.
  3. Log on to the AP Insight assessment window, located at http://mclasshome.com/harbor/studentLogin .  Use the ID and password I provided for you in class today.
  4. Take the short assessment labeled “Period 4. Compare Private Institutions as Tools of Trade Quiz.”

Also!  Don’t forget that we’re meeting in the Media Center tomorrow– and bring your own earbuds or headphones if you want to avoid using the school headphones, which are super stylish and definitely of high audio quality.

Homework: Russian Empire Work (Also, DBQ Rewrite Information)!

Apologies for not being terribly entertaining today, guys.  I’m feeling pretty rotten.  And alas, that means you’ve going to be responsible for this information through independent work.  Tonight, you need to finish up the following assignments using your textbooks (if you didn’t finish them in class):

  1. Imperial Russia Organizer— Please complete a PERSIA analysis of both the reigns of Ivan IV (the Terrible) and Peter the Great.  Be sure to note the causes of change or continuity in the arrows between each ruler.
  2. Caribbean Slavery vs Serfdom— Coercive and forced labor forms become increasingly important during this unit, so you’ll need to complete this compare-and-contrast worksheet to help you understand the similarities and differences in labor systems.  Don’t forget to write a comparative thesis statement as part of this assignment.  (Also: I won’t say anything in class, but this would make a really great comparative essay topic.  Gosh.)
  3. Peter the Great: Correspondence with His Son— And finally, please read the associated letter from Peter the Great to his son, Alexei, on the topic of absolutism and power.  There’s one analytical question on this exchange which you will need to answer on a separate sheet of paper.

If you need further information on Ivan IV and Peter the Great, or if you’re just fascinated by Imperial Russia in general, you might consider watching the documentary below:

Now!  As to your DBQ rewrite.  Remember, you are not required to rewrite your Black Death DBQ– but many of you probably would like.  If you would, your rewrite will be due at the start of class on October 29th.  If you have lost your documents for this DBQ, you can download another copy here: Black Death DBQ.

Homework: Tokugawa Edicts!

For homework tonight, please read and analyze the two primary source documents distributed in class today: Tokugawa Edicts: Foreigners, and Tokugawa Edicts: Military.  You will need to complete all of the discussion questions for each document, with the exception of question #2 on the edicts addressing foreigners– that question references a document you do not have access to, so you may choose to skip it.

Additionally, for those of you who I will not see in class tomorrow due to our testing schedule for the PSAT, you might like to watch the documentary that third period will be watching: “Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire.”  I’ve embedded it below for those who are interested:

Third period, I’ll see you tomorrow.  Everyone else, I’ll see you on Thursday.  Good luck on your PSAT!

Homework: Final Paper Topic Selection!

As we discussed in class today, we’re going to begin working on a final research project which will require you to do a significant about of work with primary sources in order to get a better feel for the historical position of someone involved in a significant event or moment of human history.  You received the handout describing the process we’ll be going through for the rest of the semester, and you should read it carefully.  If you’ve misplaced yours, you can download a new copy here (Final Research Project: Topics and Instructions).  You can also find a full description of the project on the Talking About History: Final Research Project page on this website.

(In order to get to the Talking About History page, look at the drop-down menu at the top of this page.  Hover over “AP World History WebQuests and Projects” and you’ll see the page and all of it’s related materials at the bottom of the drop-down menu.  It wouldn’t be a bad idea to peruse all of the pages associated with the assignment in order to get a feel for how this project will progress.)

For homework this weekend you will choose topics you would be interested in selecting for your research project.  I suggest you review the available topics on the instruction sheet and do some quick Googling to see what your options and preferences might be.  You will make your selections via a Google form which you can access on the Topic Selection page.

The Topic Selection form will go live at 12:00 PM EST (noon) on Saturday, October 10th.  You MUST have completed your selections by 8:00 AM EST on Monday, October 8th.

Remember, topics will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.  I want you all doing unique projects, so if you really have your heart set on a particular topic, make sure you fill out the form early!  If you fail to complete the form, I will assign you whatever topics are left.