Homework: Zaption on Tiananmen Square Massacre

Hey guys, check this space by about 5:30– I should be able to have the video posted by then.  Sorry! I’m at the practice exam right now.

All good.  Here’s the Zaption, guys:

The Tank Man

And if you’re interested in watching the full documentary (which is excellent), you can check it out here.

Homework: Zaption and Classical Greece Mindmap

First things first:

Are you registered to take your AP exams for this year?  If you’re not, you’re running out of time to sign up– regular registration will close on January 28th, and then you will have to pay a fifteen dollar late fee to register.  Don’t get hit with a late fee on top of the price of the regular exams– they aren’t cheap, and you should try to get the best deal you can.  ALL registration will close on February 4th, as the school has to send in its order for exams that week.

You can register for ALL of your AP exams by going to the North Cobb High School TotalRegistration portal.  Remember, we don’t take any money for exams at school– all of your payments must be handled through TotalRegistration.

And remember: If you are eligible for federal free or reduced lunch status, PLEASE make sure you pick up the AP exam waiver form from me in class or go to Admin 1 and request one– the waiver can mean that you only have to pay $15 for your exams, instead of the $104 they can cost with the processing fee, so please, please, please take advantage of the resources if they apply to you.  That’s what they’re around for!

As to tonight’s homework:

Hopefully you completed most of your Mindmap of Ancient Greece today in class, but if you didn’t, please make sure you have it completed before the start of class tomorrow.  Remember that your mindmap SHOULD involve color, illustration, or creative organization of some kind.  The more you work with and manipulate the information we address in this course, the more likely you are to be able to successfully recall the material in the future.

(Ask Ms. Shelnutt or Mr. Hargis and your friends in AP Psych if you don’t believe me!)

Your primary homework tonight is to complete the Zaption video on Alexander the Great (?) and Hellenism.  You’ll find the video linked below– I can’t embed Zaptions without a heck of a lot of tedious coding– but if you can’t use the video for some reason, please download the transcript of the video and associated question and complete the assignment on paper: Alexander, Legacies, and Greatness Zaption.

Zaption Video: Alexander, Legacies, and Greatness

Homework: Zaption on 20th Century Peace Movments

We’ve been all about war this unit, and that can’t be healthy.  So please watch the following Zaption and answer the associated questions.  If you have tech difficulties with this Zaption, please try to let me know by about 6:00 PM tonight.

Zaption: Peace Movements in the 20th Century

And  because we were discussing this in third period today, take a gander at the Chinese government’s recent video proposing their new, awesome, Five Year Plan!  (Yes.  Yes, they still have Five Year Plans.  And this video is INSANE.)

Homework: Great Depression Zaption!

Don’t forget you’ve got a reading quiz tomorrow (your very last one!) and your unit vocabulary is also due.  And while I know you’re slammed with work, I also need you to watch the following Zaption on the Great Depression, and respond to the embedded questions.  Remember to sign in and provide your name.  If you run into difficulties, let me know:

The Great Depression: Zaption!

Just a head’s up about tomorrow, guys– first period will only be meeting for an hour, and all of the other classes will be longer than normal, since Math is starting their EOCs.

Homework: Bronze Age Zaption!

Congratulations on making it through your first week of AP World History!  I hope you’re feeling more comfortable with the class– if you’re not, I strongly suggest that you make some time to either come and talk to me in person, or send me an email.  The sooner we address any concerns or anxieties you have about the course, the better.

Now, as to your homework this weekend: don’t worry, it’s not too much at all.  You have your Unit One Vocabulary assignment which is due on Monday, so don’t forget to finish that if you haven’t already, and you’re going to complete the Zaption video assignment linked below.

Basically, I’ve taken an online streaming video– a Crash Course video on the Bronze Age collapse, in this case– and added my own material and questions to it.  You’ll need to enter your full name before you watch the video– otherwise I won’t be able to give you credit!

Once you’ve entered your name, you can start the video.  You’ll need to answer the various questions as they appear in the video in order to get credit for the assignment.

Here’s the link, since I can’t embed this one:

Crash Course: Bronze Age Collapse Questions

Have a marvelous weekend!