Homework: Bronze Age Zaption!

Congratulations on making it through your first week of AP World History!  I hope you’re feeling more comfortable with the class– if you’re not, I strongly suggest that you make some time to either come and talk to me in person, or send me an email.  The sooner we address any concerns or anxieties you have about the course, the better.

Now, as to your homework this weekend: don’t worry, it’s not too much at all.  You have your Unit One Vocabulary assignment which is due on Monday, so don’t forget to finish that if you haven’t already, and you’re going to complete the Zaption video assignment linked below.

Basically, I’ve taken an online streaming video– a Crash Course video on the Bronze Age collapse, in this case– and added my own material and questions to it.  You’ll need to enter your full name before you watch the video– otherwise I won’t be able to give you credit!

Once you’ve entered your name, you can start the video.  You’ll need to answer the various questions as they appear in the video in order to get credit for the assignment.

Here’s the link, since I can’t embed this one:

Crash Course: Bronze Age Collapse Questions

Have a marvelous weekend!